Culture and typical products

Summer sports

Made in Monviso
At five kilometres from Saluzzo, in the heart of the Bronda valley the small village of Castellar is located, surrounded by the tranquil green of orchards and vineyards at the foot of a rocky promontory crowned with a castle.
Noteworthy is the chapel of San Ponzio. Its oldest element is the apse, dating back to the 13th century. It was restored in 1968 and has preserved a sober, almost rugged appearance. Inside are several interesting frescos, dating back to the year 1450 and are attributed to Pietro da Saluzzo.
The parish church Immacolata Concezione di Maria from 1725 is also very interesting as is the castle that dominates the village from its position on the hill ever since the Marquis Tommaso I of Saluzzo had it built as a stronghold in 1270. In 1492, after important restoration works, it became the residence of the Saluzzo of Castellar. It is a solid building surmounted by a tower and crowned with Ghibelline or swallow-tailed merlons. Mullioned windows and a draw-bridge complete the ensemble. Since 1998 the castle hosts the Museum of the Uniforms of the Royal Italian Army, displaying true historic testimonies from the time between the Italian Unification and World War II. Since 1992 the basements and the garden can be visited, while the Ethnographic Museum has been installed in the riding stables. Nowadays it is private property but opening hours for visits are provided.
The Castle della Morra was built in the 12th century by Cistercian monks from the Staffarda Abbey. Afterwards it was used by the Morra family, then ceded to the Marquises of Saluzzo and in 1492 Ludovico II had it remodelled on the occasion of his marriage with Margherita di Foix.
The population of Castellar dedicates itself predominantly to agriculture, in particular to the specialized fruit cultivation. In the hilly area grow the typical ramassin (plums), but there are also numerous vineyards of Pelaverga. For several years now the re-launch of this wine production is been promoted and in 1996 the controlled designation of origin (DOC) “Colline Saluzzesi” was assigned. Therefore a stop in the winery “Produttori di Pelaverga” is compulsory in order to taste not only the typical wine but also other local products.
Castellar is also famous for its scarecrows. Since 1994 every year in May the village transforms itself into a big open-air theatre, a wonderland, where the main actors are precisely those scarecrows.
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