Culture and typical products

Summer sports

Made in Monviso
Municipal Ethnographical Museum Ostana – Upper Po Valley
The museum was founded with the intention not only to “create memory” of bygone times but to help understand how diversified and complex the world in this spot of Occitan land has been.
The ethnographic collection recreates, by means of reconstructing some environments, moments of life in Ostana in times past. In addition, history and local culture are narrated by copies of historic documents like the Statutes of Ostana from 1425.
Info Associazione I Rënèis, piazza Caduti (town hall). Tel. +39 0175.94220 – 333.7499962 – 347.8779273; www.reneis.org
Opening hours first weekend in June, all Sundays in July and August from 3pm to 6pm and on appointment
Entrance fees free entrance
Ethnographical Museum La Brunetta
nfo via Antica Torriana 35, loc. Torriana. Tel. +39 0175.345490 – 0175.345684 – 0175.346703.
Opening hours third Sunday , from April to September ( excluding June ) and by appointment. Entrance fees free entrance
Balma Boves
Founded as a settlement under the protective shelter of a large protruding rock and permanently inhabited until the 1950s it is now a fascinating hamlet museum.
Info loc. Balma Boves, district Rocchetta. Tel. +39 0171.618260; www.marcovaldo.it; silvia.agnello@marcovaldo.it
Opening hours all year round and on appointment
Entrance fees fee required
Naturalistic Museum of the Po River
In the wide exhibition space some dioramas are built that relate to the main ecosystems of the nature park Parco del Po Cuneese, from alpine meadows to the hills and to the river of the plain.
The aim of the visitor centre is to represent the ecologic variety and richness of the park and to teach how to observe and respect Mother Earth even beyond the nature reserves.
Intended in particular for school classes but open to everybody the centre is equipped with a room for slide and film shows and with a small didactical laboratory, where special topics that have to do with different natural environments and with man’s activities in the park can be enlarged upon.
Info piazza Denina 5; Parco del Po Cuneese. Tel. +39 0175.46505; www.parcodelpocn.it
Opening hours on Saturdays 2:30pm – 6:30pm, on Sundays 10am – 12:30pm/2pm – 6:30pm; for groups and school classes also at other times on appointment
Entrance fees free entrance
Pyrope Museum
The museum is mainly intended for school classes and is situated right in the village’s centre not far from the town hall. It consists of three rooms where the geological events are explained that led to the formation of pyrope, a very rare crystal, in the Po Valley.
Info geosite in Comba Paris and visitor centre in via Roma 25; Parco del Po Cuneese. Tel. +39 0175.46505; www.parcodelpocn.it
Opening hours on Sundays 2:30pm – 6:30pm and on the 15th of August 2:30pm – 6:30pm; for groups and school classes also at other times on appointment
Entrance fees free entrance
History and Culture
Museum of the Dawn of Alpinism “Giacomo Protto”
Info mountain hut dell’Alpetto. Tel. +39 0175.946116 (Municipality of Oncino)
Opening hours not yet fixed
Entrance fees free entrance
Info public green space, via Castello. Tel. +39 0175.346105
Opening hours always open to the public
Entrance fees free entrance