Summer sports

Winter sports

Made in Monviso
Fishing in the waters of the territory of the Comunità Montana live mainly salmonids. Fishing is regulated in terms of permitted equipment and duration of the fishing season.
Furthermore there are some “alpine lakes” of natural or artificial origin situated above 1000 m a.s.l.: the lakes Grande del Viso, Superiore, Fiorenza, Chiaretto, Alpetto, Bulè and the artificial basin Biatonnet in the Po Valley and the lakes Bleu, Vallanta and Forciolline in the Varaita Valley.
Permitted is only hobby fishing with a single angling rod with or without reel, with only one hook with natural bait or with four artificial flies or other artificial bait on the line. Forbidden is the use of dip nets, the use or possession of mixed baits, the use of blood, fishing with flesh fly larvae or other species of diptera, with animal innards or with living or dead fish.
No-Kill Zones
In the sector of the Varaita Creek between the bridge of the provincial road in the district Rore of the municipality Sampeyre and the bridge right below the settlement Frassino a zone for fly-fishing has been installed. It is only permitted to fish with artificial flies and the entire catch has to be released immediately.
In the waters of the territory an absolute fishing prohibition is in effect from dusk of the first Sunday of October until dawn of the last Sunday of February. For the waters of the alpine lakes the prohibition lasts until dawn of the first Sunday of June, provided that the lakes are no longer frozen.
For anglers who do not live in Italy
To be permitted to fish in the province of Cuneo one needs:
– a regional licence type D, valid three months from the day of payment.
Price: € 8.52;
– a daily fishing licence, only valid in the province of Cuneo.
Price: € 5.00.
The payment receipt in combination with an identity card serves as fishing licence.
Download the brochure (in Italian) with a map of the waters where fishing is permitted.