Summer sports

Winter sports

Made in Monviso
Piasco is an agricultural and industrial centre situated on the left side of the Varaita torrent. Once a Roman customs station, it then became a fief of the Lords of Venasca and subsequently of the Lords of Piasco. In 1252 it was acquired by the Marquises of Saluzzo and remained under their rule until 1396. Having fallen under the rule of the Savoy family it was given as a fief to various liege lords, including the Counts della Roche and the Porporati of Sampeyre. Today the civic tower, a majestic brick construction and former steeple of St. Sebastian’s ex-church, bears witness to the medieval period, together with St. John’s Church. The imposing complex of the Porporatis’ castle, consisting of three wings arranged around a central porticoed courtyard, was built in 1655. Today, the village is the birthplace of musical instruments, the Salvi harps, which are played in the grandest orchestras of the world; the only museum worldwide dedicated to them, the Harp Museum Victor Salvi, has been established here, near the factory.
– St. John the Baptist parish church;
– St. John’s church;
– St. Brigid’s chapel (country chapel; nearby there is an area equipped with barbecue, drinking water and lighting);
– St. Anne’s chapel;
– civic tower (in Romanesque style);
– ancient façade of St. Roch’s church (1535);
– “new” castle;
– Harp Museum Victor Salvi
Further Information
Altitude: 480 m
Hamlets: Borgo San Giacomo, Cascinetta, Sant’Antonio, Serravalle
Patron saint: Saint Roch, first Sunday after the Assumption (August 15th); other religious feasts: Saint Philip (May 26th)
Sport centres and facilities: swimming pool; volleyball court (municipal gym); bocce court; children’s playgrounds in via Europa and via Assandria; picnic areas (in hamlet Serravalle and nearby St. Brigid’s chapel)
Summer sports: hiking, mountain-biking, biking, swimming (swimming pool open all year round)
Fairs: Autumn Fair (second Sunday of October)
• Town Hall: Piazza Martiri della Liberazione, tel. +39 0175.79124
• Post office: via Umberto I 65, tel. +39 0175.79122
• Banks:
Cassa di Risparmio di Saluzzo, via Umberto I 67, tel. +39 0175.270042
Bene Banca Credito Cooperativo di Bene Vagienna, via Umberto I 57/b, tel. +39 0175.270208
Banca Regionale Europea, piazza Martiri della Liberazione 7, tel. +39 0175.270129
• Chemist’s: Farmacia Vincenti di Bergiotti Dr. Mauro, via Umberto I, tel. +39 0175.270204
• Tobacconist shops:
Tallone Davide, via Umberto I 17, tel. +39 0175.797747
Tabaccheria del Borgo, via Venasca – fr. Sant’Antonio, tel. +39 0175.270129
• Public transport: Consorzio Grandabus, tel. +39 0175.478811, toll-free number 800.111.773, www.grandabus.it
• Market: Friday morning
Website: www.comune.piasco.cn.it
E-mail: segreteria@comune.piasco.cn.it