Summer sports

Winter sports

Made in Monviso
Everyone can reach the mountains on snow shoes. They are easy to use even without a technical or athletic preparation and you approach the wintry nature along trails that are easy to follow in the slow rhythm of a hike, without effort, lightly, without sinking in, trustfully giving in to curiosity, leaving your footprints on the immaculate carpet of snow.
The valley offers numerous itineraries that follow the most frequented hiking trails, some of them at higher elevations with more altitude differences and others that run in the valley.
The Alevè Forest is one of the destinations. The hike is of medium length, suitable for everyone and leads into the largest Swiss pine forest of the Western Alps.
In winter this is a beautiful scenery. At a lower elevation Testa di Garitta Nuova is an ideal destination for the first winter hikes or soon after an abundant snowfall. This magnificent panoramic point is situated on the watershed between the Varaita Valley and the Po Valley. The ascent from the hamlet Becetto is steady and runs along the sunny side of the mountain.
Following the itinerary “Bellino Solare” in the upper Bellino Valley you can discover many sundials painted on the facades of the old stone houses in the area of the alpine pastures. Their philosophic mottos underline the fragility of man and they invite you to seize the beauty that surrounds you.
The plateau Pian Cheol above the hamlet S.Anna di Bellino is one of the destinations recommended for those who practise this sport for the first time: the itinerary follows the forest road and ascends gradually. Under the impressing Pelvo di Chiabrera that stands out against the sky you can enjoy the splendid view over the valley. Remarkable is Rocca Senghi, perched on the slope, where the chamois spend the winter.
Soustra Valley at Pontechianale is one of the most beautiful valleys to hike in. This itinerary is highly frequented by back-country skiers. Leaving the road to the Agnello Pass the ascent is gentle. It trails along a large plateau up to the final ridge that leads to the Losetta Pass. Roe deer, chamois and even moufflon can often be observed.