Summer sports

Winter sports

Made in Monviso
Because of its pleasant middle mountain climate, Sampeyre is a highly frequented tourist centre that might be considered the “capital” of the Varaita Valley.
It shared the fate of the Marquisate of Saluzzo until the latter came under Savoy rule in 1601. It had quite a number of lieges, among them Gerolamo Vacca and the Marquis of Luserna (1622).
The parish church of Saints Peter and Paul, dating back to the 15th century, preserves the original structures of the pointed arch portal and a valuable rose window.
Sampeyre is the starting point for hikes and mountain climbs, such as the one to the Logge del Viso (3015m). The chairlift is open both in summer and in winter and takes you to the wonderful Sant’Anna side valley. The artificial lake is ideal for enthusiastic fishers. The hamlets of Rore and Becetto are culture and tourism centres. In Becetto, every year on the last Sunday of August the Cianto Viol takes place: a walk along the paths with traditional music and dances.
– ethnographical museum in the ancient Palazzo Savio (18th century);
– St. Peter and Paul’s parish church with wonderful frescoes by the Biazaci brothers (15th century);
– Casa Clary in the central via Roma;
– the Shrine in Becetto (today the parish church of the hamlet; it houses a Black Virgin);
– botanical route of Crosa, in hamlet Becetto (educational route, about 2.5 km long);
– suspension bridge at the start of the botanical route of Crosa;
– “Toumpi la Pisso” (family-friendly path dedicated to the sarvanòt, elves in the local Occitan language, in hamlet Rore);
– a Big Bench in hamlet Rore;
– parish church of Villar (of Romanesque origin, already existing at the end of the 14th century. It preserves two Romanesque green stone portals
Further information
Altitude: 971 m
Hamlets: Balmalolmo, Barra Bellini, Bergia, Boeri, Borgo, Borino, Brusà, Calchesio, Casaberarda, Cassa, Cayre, Chiolavaccia, Chioppano Inferiore, Chioppano Superiore, Chiot di Rore, Chiotti, Ciambetta, Civalleri, Comba, Confine Inferiore, Confine Supeiore, Cros, Cugnet, Danna, Dovi, Dragoniere, Dughetti, Durandi, Fiandrini, Foresto, Graneri, Giarassi, Graziani, Lantermini, Martini, Miretta di Rore, Miretta Piazza, Morelli, Morello Inferiore, Morello Superiore, Niset, Palazzo, Para, Paschero, Perga, Ponte, Porta, Pramirano, Pratolungo, Prato nuovo, Puy Inferiore, Puy Superiore, Ressia Inferiore, Ressia Superiore, Richetta, Roccia, Rore, Rossi Inferiore, Rossi Superiore, Ruera di Rore, Sabbione, Sant’Anna, Serre Inferiore, Serre Superiore, Sodani, Sole, Solmirano, Stentivi, Tecchiasso, Valla, Vallone Ricchiardi, Vallone Rostagno, Villar, Villaretto
Patron saints: Saints Peter and Paul (June 29th)
Sport centres and facilities: bocce court, children’s playground, bounce play area (in summer), picnic area (on the road towards S. Anna), five-a-side football pitch (hamlet Rore), tennis, volleyball, five-a-side court in the sport centre in hamlet Fiandrini
Summer sports: hiking, mountain-biking, biking, horseback riding, fishing
Winter sports: downhill skiing, ski mountaineering, snow-shoeing, ice skating
Fairs: S. Michele (last Sunday of September)
Festivals: St. Defendente’s Ball (in hamlet Calchesio, 2nd January), Baio di Sampeyre (on the two preceding Sundays and Shrove Thursday of Carnival, every five years; next edition in 2022), “Carneval lou Viei” (hamlet Rore, first Sunday after Shrove Tuesday of Carnival), “Lou Cianto Viol” (hamlet Becetto, last Sunday of August)
• Town Hall: Piazza della Vittoria 52, tel. +39 0175.977148;
• Tourist office: Strada Provinciale (open in summer)
• Red Cross: via degli Orti, tel. +39 0175.970001
• Post office: Piazza della Vittoria 54, tel. +39 0175.977121
• Banks:
BPER Banca, piazza della Vittoria 15, tel. +39 0175.977106
UBI Banca, via Vittorio Emanule II 22, tel. +39 0175.977488
• Chemist’s: Bourlot, via Cavour 20, tel. +39 0175.970302
• Tobacconist shop: Mellano, via Vittorio Emanuele II 26
• Public transport: Consorzio Grandabus, tel. +39 0175.478811, toll-free number 800.111.773, www.grandabus.it
• Market: Friday morning
Sito web: www.comune.sampeyre.cn.it
E-mail: protocollo@comune.sampeyre.cn.it